Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:14-16
Last week we talked about my 2021 weekly planner and where I got it. I hope it got you interested in using a planner if you haven’t been. This week we are going to talk about how a weekly planner could benefit your life!
We’re going to look at 4 ways a planner could be a blessing to you. The time that God gives us is precious, so we need to learn to manage it in a way that brings Him glory and helps us accomplish things in a timely manner.
#1 A planner could help you be more productive:
Something that I struggle with is procrastinating. Am I the only one? It’s so easy to get distracted doing one thing, maybe even something worthwhile, but when there is something more important waiting to be done. This is definitely an area where I have a lot of room for growth.
Sometimes it’s even hard to get out of bed and you may be like our little dog and just want to stay where it is warm and comfortable when you need to get up and do things!
That is one reason that a weekly planner is so helpful to me. When I am not motivated to get something done, it is very helpful to know that it is written down in my planner to do it, and I won’t get to check it off or color in my box if I don’t get it done. Since my planner is basically a cute little scrapbook, I plan to keep it for years to come, and I don’t want to look back and see all the things I never got done!
If you have a planner to list your goals and look at, it may help you to stay focused on what you should be doing and give you an extra push of motivation. There are so many good and beneficial things to do in life that we don’t have time to waste!
Another way to inspire yourself through your planner is to write down Bible verses and godly quotes. Besides being motivated to get things marked off your checklist, these can help motivate you to draw closer to Jesus and follow His will for your life.

#2 A planner could help you remember what needs done:
With all the areas of life we have to juggle, it’s no wonder our brains sometimes get tired and we can’t remember everything we need to do. There are birthdays and holidays, school assignments, work assignments, friends to keep in touch with, and the list could go on and on.
It is a relief sometimes just to write down the projects that are hanging over your head and give your mind room to think. Plus, this way you aren’t as likely to miss an important deadline because you forgot about it.
Planning your week a little bit on Sunday and writing out some of the things that you want to get done is a good way to get things off of your mind. Also, you know how at night sometimes your mind is swimming with the things that you need to remember to do the next day? Pull out your planner, jot them down, and then let your mind relax and get its needed rest.
#3 A planner could give you something to look back on:
In the world we live in where everyone is pressing on and trying to accomplish things, it’s really easy to get so focused on our to-do list that we never take time to appreciate the things God has helped us to get done.
When you keep a planner and write down your monthly, weekly, or daily goals, then you can look back over them and see the things God has allowed you to do. It’s important to thank Him for the things He helps us do and not always push toward the next thing.
#4 A planner is something you might enjoy!
Do you enjoy cutting paper, looking at pretty stationary, or writing in a brand new journal? If this is you (it’s definitely me :), then a paper planner may be just the thing you didn’t know you wanted!! I enjoy decorating my planner with pretty stickers and layouts that I print out. This is what inspired me to start making my own layouts. I wanted to use and provide others with layouts that are centered around God’s Word. I’m so excited to start doing that more in my 2021 weekly planner!!
When you have a weekly planner, it gives you something to decorate and look at on a regular basis, while being useful at the same time. Win, win!!
I hope that this gives you some inspiration for planning your coming year and helps you be excited for what God has in store for us. Let me know, what is something you are looking forward to in 2021?
Besides using my new Praise Planner (of course), I’m also excited to, Lord willing, get a fresh start sending birthday cards to my friends and start some special new series’ on the blog!! Hope to hear from you about your plans and dreams for the future!
In Christ,
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17
Oh, this was a really neat post, Bethany!!! Loved it!
Hmm….. One thing I am looking forward to, Lord willing, is starting a job helping to care for a friend’s elderly mother….? And I’m excited to see whatever next year brings- Whether it be new challenges, abundant blessings, or anything else, it’s always a blessing to see how the Lord uses evening for our good in the end! ?
I’m so glad you enjoyed the post, Anna! Thank you for reading and commenting. 🙂 Yes, it is exciting and comforting going into a new year with the assurance that God is in control and is paving the way for us!
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9
This was a really good post, Bethany! I use my planner for the same reasons you said. If I don’t have all my responsibilities written down to be marked off as I complete them, I’m not nearly as likely to get them done.
Yes, isn’t it great how writing something down helps to motivate you? It also helps me to remember things better. Whether I look at my list or not, having written down a couple of tasks the night before seems to help me better prioritize what I do.
A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps. Proverbs 16:9
Wonderfully interesting post, Bethany! There I so many things I look forward to! Although unsure if they will come to pass, I want to move my blog from Blogger to WordPress, launch a helpful Virtual Assistance career (Resume writing, financial advisement and management, and time-spending advisement and calendar management), and begin saving for a horse and 2+ college degrees in Equine and Agricultural Sciences.
I know God will bless me if I trust in Him and His will for me. I ask for prayers that God will open my eyes and ears to His will for me.
I look forward to seeing how God directs you in the new year, Grace! Just keep taking it one day at a time, faithfully doing what He lays in your path, and God will guide you. You are in my prayers! <3
Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. Psalm 37:5
Thank you so much, Bethany! <3 I'm looking forward to it too, and I will do my best to trust in Him and not lean on my own understandings.
You’re welcome! I’m so glad that God gives us new years which can be fresh starts to get our focus on Him and follow His plans for us more and more.
Thanks for the post! Keeping a planner DOES help me to be more productive and remember what needs to be done (appointments, deadlines etc). It definitely helps to WRITE THINGS DOWN, so I don’t have to stress over trying to remember everything. 🙂
I haven’t really thought much about next year yet or what I am really looking forward to, but I WOULD like to spend more time corresponding with friends, draw ever closer to The Lord (have an ever deepening relationship with Him), and spend much more time in prayer. I would also like to keep up my gratitude journal (praise planner). It is changing my life.
I find myself getting out of bed some nights to write down goals for the next day so that I don’t have to keep going over them again and again, so I definitely know how beneficial it can be to write things down. Your goals for 2021 sound good, and I’m so glad to hear how much of an impact gratitude journaling is having on your life. Thank you for encouraging me to do it too, Agape!