Picture of Bible open to the Lord's Prayer, book about prayer, purple flowers, and bamboo whistle

June Monthly Melody | 2021

     June already?  Where has the year (almost half) gone?  Time just keeps marching on, and it’s really important how we spend it!  One way that we all should spend some of our time every day is in praying to our Heavenly Father.  It is from God that our strength to live the Christian life comes, and if we want our relationship with Him to grow, then we must spend time with Him.

     Our Monthly Melody is, An Hour of Hallowed Peace.  It’s about the privilege of prayer.  So often we look on prayer as a duty (myself included), when it is quite the opposite.  We have the privilege of being called aside from the busyness and stress of this world to spend a time of sweet fellowship with God, the One Who made us and knows us better than we know ourselves.

     Even Jesus, the perfect sinless Son of God spent time alone with His Heavenly Father during His time here on earth.  If He needed that time of fellowship and rest, how much more do we?  

And when he (Jesus) had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone.

Matthew 14:23

     I won’t keep you waiting any longer!  Go ahead and take a minute to read through the words of this hymn and listen to the video.  And don’t just listen today!  I’ll be listening throughout the month to learn the words and have a new hymn to sing and meditate on.  Care to join me?

An Hour of Hallowed Peace

There is an hour of hallowed peace
For those with care oppressed,
When sighs and tears for aye shall cease,
And all be hushed to rest.

‘Tis when the soul is freed from fears
And doubts that here annoy;
Then they that oft have sown in tears
Shall reap again in joy.

There is a home of sweet repose,
Where storms assail no more;
The stream of endless pleasure flows
On that celestial shore.

There purity with love appears,
And bliss without alloy;
There they that oft had sown in tears
Shall reap eternal joy.

(Disclaimer: While I enjoyed the video of this particular hymn and wanted to share it with you, this does not mean that I endorse every video on this channel.)

Join the Blog

Be on the lookout for a post partway through the month when we share what the Lord has shown us through this song.  If you aren’t signed up, make sure you join so I can let you know when the post comes out!

Let’s Chat!

     Will you be joining me in learning our new Monthly Melody?  Are there any tips that you have found to help you spend quality time in prayer?

I’m looking forward to learning a new hymn with you!  Let’s keep singing songs of praise to our Lord, for He is worthy!!

In Christ,



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  1. This is a beautiful hymn, Bethany! I don’t think I have ever heard it before. ♥️?? “Are there any tips that you have found to help you spend quality time in prayer?” I have found taking a walk while I pray is best for me. I have very few “quiet spots” in a house full of people and the only time I find alone is when I go out for a good long walk! That is my prayer time. SO, thinking outside the box! We don’t all have prayer closets or our own rooms we can tuck ourselves away in for prayer BUT we can all find a unique way to go before the Lord in prayer, undestracted!

    1. Isn’t it just beautiful, Rachel?! And thank you so much for sharing this prayer tip that the Lord has taught you and helped you put into practice! I think that the enemy sometimes distracts us from praying by excuses such as not having enough time or the best situation. But the truth is, God is everywhere and can meet with us anywhere when we turn our hearts to Him!!
      Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving. Colossians 4:2

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