“Are you ready?” Ruby looked across the living room at Jasper and Amber who both had their notebooks open on their laps. …
She Is a Witness and Receives Her Reward (Proverbs 31:28)
At first glance, it might seem as if Proverbs 31:28 only applies to married women, but I believe that it can apply to …
How to Work at Home and Not Waste Time (Proverbs 31:27)
Life is busy. It’s easy to get distracted and so caught up in our own thoughts and activities that we forget to plan …
Using Your Planner to Conquer Those Frog Tasks
If you came over to my house for an extended visit, at some point you might hear me or one of my family …
10 Simple Ways to Avoid Distractions in Devotions
One of the biggest challenges that comes with spending quality time with Jesus is distractions. We sit down to read our Bibles and …
The Get to Know Me Writer’s Edition Tag
I’ve been tagged, which means I have the privilege of sharing with you some of my favorites and other facts about my writing. …
How Do I Speak With Wisdom and Kindness? (Proverbs 31:26)
Our tongues are powerful. They can build up or tear down, cause pain or help to heal a wounded heart. As powerful as …
My Call Is To Be Faithful | Guest Post
I have the privilege of welcoming my blogger friend, Lauren today! We recently met and found out that we have a lot in …
Free Indeed | The Ruby Stories
Mr. Randall lifted the lid of the grill and began to place frozen hamburger patties on the grates. The hot grate sizzled and …
She Is Wearing Strength and Honor (Proverbs 31:25)
The Proverbs 31 passage describes the physical clothing of the Proverbs 31 woman. But, it doesn’t stop there because while our clothing is …
Clean Hands, Pure Heart, Or Not? | The Ruby Stories
Ruby signed her name to the bottom of the letter with a flourish, dropped her pen on the desk, and flexed her stiff …
10 Tips on What to Do If You Feel Overwhelmed
We all have those days – and some of us probably have more than others. It just seems at times like life is …
15 Paper Craft Supplies to Inspire Your Creativity
Could you spend hours browsing the aisles of the craft store and looking at all the beautiful stickers and other embellishments? Me too! …
12 Entrepreneur Ideas for the Proverbs 31 Woman
The Proverbs 31 woman was an entrepreneur! She made things and sold them to others. Do you have the entrepreneur itch in you too where …
Are There Any Bible Verses About Procrastination?
Have you ever looked for the word procrastinate in the Bible? Maybe you were disappointed when you didn’t find it. While it’s true that the …
One in a Million | The Ruby Stories
There are so many people in the world. This was the thought Ruby had as she looked around from her seat on a …
10 Ways to Get Motivation and Start to Work
Do you ever think to yourself, “If I only had the motivation, I could get so much done.” Well, today we are going …
Simple Ways the Proverbs 31 Woman Supports Her Men (Proverbs 31:23)
This is the verse where some of you probably wonder what you could learn from it. Some of you may even be thinking, …
6 More Simple Scripture Memory Tips
Are you wondering how to memorize Scripture and what the key is? Let me tell you what one of the keys is. Variety! …
A Letter Sent is Stationary Saved | The Ruby Stories
Ruby stretched out full length on the couch and let out a sigh of contented coziness. She opened the book she was in …
Why Am I Overwhelmed? 10 Reasons Why
Why am I always overwhelmed? Do you ever find yourself wondering that? There can be a lot of things in life that make …
Creating a Simple and Feminine Wardrobe (Proverbs 31:22)
Is there a particular style of clothing that you love to wear but have trouble finding? There is for me too. Dresses. I …
Ruby Interviews Bethany | The Ruby Stories
It’s a special day here on the blog! Bethany was tagged by her friend Alyssa, who blogs at Seeking The Timeless Anchor. Bethany …
6 Simple Tips to Memorize Scripture and Help You Begin Today
Do you think Scripture memory is hard? Boring? Well, I agree that it can be hard, but there are so many ways that …
7 Simple Ways to Be Prepared
We have reached another aspect of the Proverbs 31 woman’s life. She clothes her family! While this verse is about the way the …
9 Wonderful Reasons to Memorize Scripture Regularly
At a weekend ladies’ retreat with my mom and sister, I once heard an amazing, and also true, story. Would you like to …
Peanut Butter Love | The Ruby Stories
“Okay, y’all.” Sterling stood up off the couch and snapped his book shut. “Mom wants us to get the living room straightened up …
How to Slow Down Your Life and Prioritize the Things That Matter
Most of us are just plain too busy. Not only that but we easily get sucked into being busy doing things that really …
8 Warning Signs You Are Too Busy and Need to Prioritize
There are many diseases and illnesses that people are diagnosed with these days. From cancer to arthritis, to just a cold, and everything …
Simple Ways to Give Like the Proverbs 31 Woman
Thus far, this passage on the Proverbs 31 woman has looked primarily at her home life. It’s talked about the different occupations she …