Learning to live a simple life that is focused on Jesus.
Hello, Friend! Welcome to A Ruby in the Rough!
Do you feel like you are trying to juggle everything in life, you are always behind, and you never have time to work on the things that are most important to you? Or, maybe you are someone with a disability or chronic illness, and you find yourself needing to live a slower-paced life. Believe me, I know what it feels like.
Like you, I have been in both of these situations and reached a crisis where I was tired of always living in overwhelm, and I needed to slow down. I would love to share with you what Jesus has been teaching me about resting in Him, slowing down, and making time for what is truly important on my Christian journey to slow living.
Now, if you are looking for perfection, you are in the wrong place. While I struggle with being a perfectionist, the truth is I don’t have it all together, and I know that I never will. But I serve a Savior Who does have it all together and is polishing me to make me more like Himself. I’m a work in progress: a ruby in the rough. Can you relate?
We are made in God’s image and He values us as His rubies. He treasures each of us as a ruby in the rough and delights in polishing us and changing us. So, will you join me on this journey to simple living and focusing on who the Lord is making us to be?
If you aren’t sure where to start, how about signing up to access the free prayer journal? Prayer is one of the most important facets of our life because it is how we develop a relationship with Jesus and access His strength. And it is only through His strength that we can slow down and live simply!